
template dependency changes not propagating through to built output

Operating system

macOS Sonoma 14.5 (23F79)


@11ty/eleventy ^3.0.0-alpha.13

Describe the bug

My markdown file uses a layout file _includes/layouts/html.11ty.js which in turn references _includes/components/table.11ty.js.

When I change either .11ty.js file, it triggers a a rebuild and the console output reports:

[11ty] File changed: _includes/components/table.11ty.js
  Eleventy Restarting +52s
Eleventy:Logger Writing ./_site/index.html from ./content/ (liquid) +52s
Eleventy:Template ./_site/index.html written. +3ms

But in this case, the resulting HTML file does not reflect the changes to table.11ty.js. However, if I instead edit html.11ty.js, it reflects changes to that file (but still does not show the latest from the table component).

Both 11ty.js files are nested at the same depth inside _includes and nothing is explicitly mentioned in the configuration regarding watch targets. I just rely on the built-in behavior of monitoring the _includes directory.

Reproduction steps

  1. Start project cross-env DEBUG=Eleventy* eleventy --serve
  2. Edit _includes/components/table.11ty.js
  3. Inspect _site/index.html and see the changes are not there

Expected behavior

I expect that the edit would be reflected in the output without having to restart eleventy.

Reproduction URL


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